Good Eats

Sun Kwong 新光潮州菜館 @Hong Kong

An old school Teochew (Chiuchow) restaurant in Hong Kong, Sun Kwong Kee was one of my favourite late night supper place, when I used to go for supper.

功夫茶 Teochew kungfu tea

As per tradition, the Teochew dinner would always start with kungfu tea.

蠔仔碎肉粥 Oyster and minced pork congee

蠔仔碎肉粥 Oyster and minced pork congee – my favourite congee made up of fresh oysters, minced pork, dried bonito and boiled with rice. I have not been able to find the same style everywhere else.

韭菜豬紅 Fried pig’s blood curd with chives

韭菜豬紅 Fried pig’s blood curd with chives – pig’s blood curd is no longer available in Singapore, and even in Hong Kong, they were no longer made locally. There was a big of scare because of the swine flu that was going on, but I always eat this whenever I have the chance.

大眼鱼饭 Steamed big-eye fish

大眼鱼饭 Steamed big-eye fish鱼饭 fish rice is a Teochew style of preparing fish. It involves steaming freshly caught fish with just salt. The fish are simply prepared by removing the innards but not descaled. The steamed fish are then cooled down, and the entire skin and scales are removed before serving. I love this because of my dad’s influence.

避风塘濑尿虾皇 Typhoon Shelter-style mantis prawn

避风塘濑尿虾皇 Typhoon Shelter-style mantis prawn was not on the menu. Typhoon Shelter-style was so-called because it was made popular by the seafood sampans in the typhoon shelters of Hong Kong. Made with a copious amount of garlic and chilli, the spices were enough to make a grown man cry. But it infused a beautiful smokiness and spiciness that combined with the umami of the seafood was simply sublime.

The mantis prawn was full of roe and cooked perfectly.

Of course, they have many other classic.

At the entrance was a simple small seafood tank that showcased one of their specialty – the mantis prawn. Also, there were the Teochew style cooked seafood.

The service was excellent, the food was good (not all,  but the seafood was really good). Price not really cheap but still a good bargain given the quality and quantity.

新光潮州菜館 Sun Kwong Chiu Chow Restaurant
Wah Fat Mansion, 銅鑼灣 駱克道 號 華發 大廈 D 鋪 Shop D, Wah Fat Mansion 405-419, 405-419 Lockhart Rd, Causeway Bay
Tel : +852 2572 0830

Date Visited : Jan 2019

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